Saturday, December 4, 2010

Go NUTS!!!!

 NUTS!!!!... They are soooooo, sooooo good for you! I should end it there, because really that's the point. BUT, I'll break it down for you, because I would like for this entry to be educational and for my followers to really understand a nuts nutritional value. Why, How and What exactly they do for the body. I want to explain that YES they are higher in FAT, but if you've read one of my prior blog entries about good fats vs. bad fats you will understand that it's better to eat good fats, because they help the body function rather than create complications for the body like saturated fats. 

 Just so you know that I'm not feeding you a ton of BS... Epidemiology studies: the study of health and illness throughout the population used to gather facts from analysis that help to determine risk factors of evidence based medicine, to determine optimal treatments, improve clinical treatments, and preventive medicine... this is where I get my info from, because I've read up on them. I love my body, I love my life and I'm grateful to God that I'm so blessed to have it. This is how I show my gratitude for life by being knowledgeable about food and health so I may treat my body well. I feel by sharing my knowledge I'm able to pay it forward and help YOU do the same.

Scientists of Etymology have found through research those who consume Nuts regularly are less likely of Coronary Heart Disease, because of the Omega 3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids found in Almonds or Walnuts are good for lowering your cholesterol levels. Low-density lipoproteins,  LDL, is known as the Bad Cholesterol particles or fatty proteins. Before I go any further...This is NOT an essential fatty acid. These lovely cells, non-essential fats, assist in the progression of Athersclerosis: a condition where artery walls thicken due to the build-up of fatty materials caused by bad cholesterol = LDL. This is something we ingest, because our bodies do NOT produce LDL's. We end up putting them into our bodies by eating foods consisting of saturated fats. But WAIT!!! It's not too late, because We can reverse this process. YAY!!!! HOW?! By keeping our bodies well hydrated with the one and only H2O, eating fruits and veggies, and NUTS consumed of essential fatty acids = Omega fats (3,6,9's). These LOWER the build-up of bad cholesterol and will help with losing weight or keeping you lean. 

I repeat! By Eating Nuts is a natural form of prevention of certain health risks because Omega fats reduce the build up of bad cholesterol. By eating natural foods that consist of Omega fats can do two things; lower the Bad Cholesterol LDL, and raise the Good Cholesterol HDLs (High Density Lipoproteins). I'm pressing this point because I want it to be engraved in your thought process the next time you reach for a cookie, or drink a soda; when you could be snacking on a delicious handful of almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, or pistachios. YUM!!! Not only do they help with prevention of cardio vascular disease, but Nuts are a great food source for those who are diabetic. 

Diabetics are sensitive when it comes to keeping their insulin levels maintained. Insulin, a pancreas produced hormone, becomes less effective in its ability lowering blood sugars. The fat and muscle cells in your body require insulin to absorb glucose. Glucose levels then rise, because the bodies ability to circulate insulin isn't accurate. This intricate cycle that occurs in the body results in creating a lot of problems. Most diabetics are Obese, because this crashes the bodies metabolism, so it's easier for those who have diabetes to gain bad weight = FAT. But there is a cure for Diabetes... it's called exercise and a really healthy delicious eating plan that consists of low fat and no junk full of SUGAR! Sugar, It is your worst enemy and will kill you. It might not happen right away, but it will get you in the end. That may be harsh, but it's the truth. No candy coating here and that's not a pun on words.

OK! So what does a NUT have to do with Diabetes. It's a great nutritional source that has a very low GLYCEMIC index. Woo-hoo! Something naturally delicious, unlike Lucky Charms (which is consumed of high-fructose corn syrup... don't even get me started on that one). Also, studies show that those who tend to eat nuts, eat less junk food and live 2 to 3 years longer than those who do! Life is short, but if you're living with diabetes life is even shorter. If you want to be around longer then I suggest get rid of the junk and replace it with a fruit fit for a king... NUTS. Did I say, Fruit?! Yup. It's a fruit or natures candy is what I like to call it.

There are other benefits that come with eating nuts such as: Vitamin E which is good for hair and skin. B2 which is great source of energy. Riboflavin helps to cleanse the body since it's an antioxidant. Protein and it's LEAN which helps with muscle production, energy, brain, hair, skin. Folate and Fiber which helps to keep you regular and "Boy!" Making things easier for your kidneys to process all the stuff we put in our bodies is a good thing. Backing up the tubes isn't fun for anybody and then we're talking about a ton of other serious problems. Essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and selenium.

Do some research on your own. Learn about your body, because it's your vessel to live and experience life, it's the only one you have, and if it's out of shape and falling apart life will be short and miserable for most... life can still be enjoyed with complications, but not entirely the way it is meant to be. Take care of yourself, because you are worth it!

Eating nuts also makes you Smarter. Happy Brain, Happy Body, Happy Life.

If you don't like nuts you can get all of these natural and wonderful healthy fats, essential minerals, and vitamins into your body through something I absolutely enjoy myself. It's called Shakeology. This link will bring you to my beachbody website. I recommend watching this video.

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